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COVID Safe Return to School
(Virtual Learning March 2020 - March 2021)
EVA’s priority is the health, safety, and well-being of our students, employees, and school community, as well as social, emotional, and academic learning. EVA plans to remain in-person throughout this school year. 


To minimize the spread of COVID-19, EVA will follow DPI’s guidance and refer to the CDC’s Operational Guidance for K12 Schools for information on how to lower risk of COVID-19 in school settings. Some highlights of policies for schools include: 

• It is no longer recommended that schools require staff to report their vaccination status and participate in a screening program, if they are unvaccinated.

• Masks are recommended at high CDC COVID-19 community levels and also in some other specific situations, including for individuals following exposure or after completing isolation. 

• It is no longer recommended that schools implement physically distancing strategies (such as keeping students 3ft or 6ft apart).

• Universal contact tracing is not recommended in K12 settings.

• Testing, Ventilation and Cleaning remain important layers of protection.


In the event of a classroom quarantine, EVA will have a temporary learning plan in place. In the event of a state school closure, EVA will have virtual learning plans prepared.

Face Coverings
Masks will be optional for all EVA staff, students, and visitors. We strongly recommend masks to be worn by individuals following exposure or after completing isolation.  EVA will regularly review face mask requirements.  


EVA will continue the practice of hand washing during key times: Upon arrival to classroom, before and after food, after restroom, after blowing nose or coughing/sneezing, after touching objects used by multiple people, and before and after recess.

If soap and water are not readily available, an alcohol-based hand sanitizer will be provided. If your child has sensitivities to hand sanitizer, please communicate this with your child’s teachers so they can provide your child other opportunities to clean their hands.

To learn more about CDC recommendations, click here.

Healthy Spaces
EVA’s buildings and classrooms, especially high-touch areas, will be cleaned and disinfected throughout the day and every evening. Current cleaning and disinfectant protocols will continue to be reviewed and enhanced in terms of frequency and intensity. 

Water Fountains
All students are encouraged to bring their own bottled water or reusable water bottles. There are Bottle Filling Stations set up around the school for easy refills. All water bottles should be clearly labeled with the student's name.  It is the student's responsibility to keep track of their water bottles and take them home for regular cleaning.

Stay Home When Sick
All students and staff will follow our sick protocol as detailed in our Student Handbook.

Visitors will be allowed on EVA's campus, provided they follow all safety protocols listed here.

At this time, EVA will not be requiring staff to report their vaccination status and participate in a screening program, if they are unvaccinated.

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